Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Secrets to a lasting relationship and marriage

Still in the mood of love I welcome you to your season of joy and happiness my dear Babe2wife reader, hope the chocolates have not finished yet.

"A merry heart doeth good like medicine but a broken spirit ...".

You will agree with me that there is a direct impact between one’s relationship and his or her entire well being.

This can be better appreciated in marriage. That’s why one can quickly tell if a marriage is successful by the changes that take place few years after tying the nuptials. This is always evident in all ramifications namely; spiritually, financially, physically and socially.

I will also like to buttress the importance of careful selection of a life partner,  being aware of the wide implications it has on the outcome of your life.

Moving on, let’s look at some of these ageless secrets.

GOOD COMMUNICATION: Imagine a baby smiling when he or she is hungry, the mother will smile back. Fine, the baby made a facial expression that did not correspond with his feelings so the message was not passed.

He could as well continue to be hungry as long as he is smiling. The mother would only think of feeding him at her own discretion. Imagine what could happen to the baby if he stays for a long time without food as a result of bad communication.

Imagine the level of havoc poor communication can cause. Also imagine the wealth of benefits good communication brings to relationships and marriages. It works for sure  and that is why you can't assume for instance that your partner understands why you acted in a particular way.

 If he's not fully aware or informed about a particular issue then he can't live up to your expectations.

Let's say you need a roll of Shawarma, you will do yourself well to specify the exact type you want. If you prefer chicken Shawarma for instance just tell you the maker. Assumption is very dangerous in life particularly in relationship and marriage.

Poor communication is the cause of major break ups. In passing your information across, you must choose the right time, words and of course speak in love then you see your relationship blossom. It is very vital both before marriage and in marriage.

TRUST: This is one of the components of effective communication. You must prove yourself to be reliable so that your partner will not harbour fears of betrayal in any form . Openness and trust are two sides of a coin, if one is not trustworthy then openness will be marred.

This extends to every area, including finances; now don't roast me here, but, seriously it pays to be open with one's finances depending on your partner though.

GOOD LISTENING SKILL: Opinions can be well expressed but if there is no good audience, definitely, the communication process would be broken. Being a good listener involves just more than listening with the ears. Sentiments and prejudice must be set aside or else what your partner is saying may be misunderstood. Also understand your partner's body language as this will help you understand the message that is being passed.

FORGIVENESS: Nobody is perfect and can ever be. Bearing this is in mind, you will agree with me that there is bound to be disagreement between you and your partner. You will also agree with me that when this happens the love affair is not always interesting but the only solution to such occurrences is forgiveness. For there to be super love and warmth, you must be ready to forgive and be forgiven. If you can forgive and can't stop feeling guilty after you've been forgiven then you can't receive even the highest dose of love. Please, understand that your love affair is a journey that is made up of many interesting experiences and sometimes uninteresting ones too so, you just need to travel light. Leave your past mistakes where they belong (right in the past) and cheerfully live your best life.

CONSTANT STUDY: Imagine going to a shopping mall without knowing where to find a particular product, you might waste hours haunting for it because you did not have the right information as to which section to locate the product. You will agree with me that to overlook the importance of adequate and right information about any worthy endeavour is to expose oneself to catastrophe and uncertainty. Even the holy book takes cognizance of this when it says"my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge" Hosea 4:6a (NKJV). "By knowledge shall the just be delivered," Proverbs 11:9b.

A whole book will not be enough to expose the relevance of knowledge in every human endeavor but I'll like for you to discipline yourself (if you have not already) to studying about relationship and marriage, there is no victorious warrior that manufactures his arsenal on the battle field, the most he can do is augment his supplies while on the battle field as time permits therefore, we cannot undermine the importance of constant reading because that is one of the ways of acquiring the wisdom needed to sustain a relationship and marriage.

TENDER LOVE: The phrase "love conquers all" holds water in our everyday life. In fact love can melt the hardest heart and also move mountains where you least expect. Nothing can ever take the place of Affectionate Love. Love comes from within.  So, dear, all the time you need to stock up on love because it is a major ingredient for true friendship and marriage click here to read my former post on friendship.

When you have genuine love for your partner, you can go all out for him and he can also go extra miles to bring you happiness. 

You must be ready to give and also receive because it can be demoralising when true love is rejected.

This is how far we can go, this is just a tip of the iceberg, the more interesting secrets will be revealed in the coming editions. I love you, cheers!

Yours Truly,


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