Tuesday, 21 October 2014

The MUST HAVE ingredient in a love relationship

Moving into the realm of friendship makes love affairs sweet.

Dear reader,

Today, I will like to spice up your week with this beautiful attribute of love affair which is so vital yet often overlooked by many.

The neglect of this attribute is majorly connected with LUST, sheer impatience or haste to be in a relationship which ends such fellows in a 'stressed love relationship'. Many have fallen victims of the harsh realities of a relationship built in a hurry - based on what the eyes can see, what the heart feels and deceit, leaving them with disappointment and heartbreak.

This essential ingredient of every relationship required to build, sustain, nurture and take it to a climax - marriage - is nothing but - FRIENDSHIP.

 The Wikipedia dictionary defines friendship as 'a relationship of mutual affection between two or more people'.

Core in this definition are the words relationship and mutual affection.

Relationship has been variously defined by different people as it applies to their situation, but on this platform, permit me to describe it as a manner in which two persons behave or get involved with each other. It is also said to be the connection between the individuals involved, in this case a lady and a guy.

Friend, you will agree with me that for a true relationship to exist there must be FRIENDSHIP and for it to be real, there must be a connection and mutual affection. Friendship is such a serious phenomenon that it is even a subject matter in various academic fields of study like social psychology, sociology, philosophy and anthropology.

This interesting subject permeates all human endeavours and that is why we hear expressions like 'show me your friend and I will show you who you are', 'A friend in need is a friend in deed' , 'there is a friend that sticks closer than a brother' , 'greater love has no one  than this that someone lay down his life for a friend',  etc . More importantly, friendship is a MUST HAVE  in a relationship that centres  much on love .     

I particularly advocate true friendship in love relationships because I understand perfectly well that happiness in relationship can never be at its peak without it.

Friendship in perspective

Friendship must not be seen as a mere casual social endeavour but must be entered into with every sense of seriousness and commitment.  To identify a good friend, you must first be one. The benefits of this are huge and they include:
Ø  An opportunity to assess and understand the individual.
Ø  An avenue to know the person's character traits and capabilities overtime.
Ø  Helps to build trust and bond.
Ø  Compatibility assessment
Ø  True love
Ø  Health and mental benefits
Ø  Happiness in marriage and many more.

If friendship offers the above mentioned benefits and even more, it therefore makes a lot of sense to seek friendship first before engaging in a love affair.

It is easy for a man to say I love you to a woman, but the question is; does he really mean it?

Most times when such statements are made, they are borne out of mere lust emanating from  physical attraction which is not ideal for a  lasting relationship.

When faced with a situation like this, I advise that the lady involved must be on guard so as to be able to see the guy's real intentions or she may be heading for a heartbreak in no long time.

Don't be a cheap chic!

The responsibility lies on her to be wise enough to insist on friendship, with boundaries well set and defined!  

By that I mean, she must be discreet enough to know that this friendship must be void of any form of entanglement whether physical or emotional. Specifically, SEX must be avoided except she's ready to risk abandonment by the guy within a short time because she would have ended up confirming the guy's fears of the lady being a cheap chic so he might just hang around her majorly to fulfil his sexual needs.

At this point, the dude can never wish to be committed to a lasting relationship and naturally the lady's form of revenge is to rain abuses and rage on the guy for breaking her heart - sorry about that girl, but sincerely, you will agree with me that she caused it.

She let her guards down, she let loose and opened her heart too soon and the guy cashed in on the opportunity.

A big NO

Believe me, the emotional attachment and pain that comes with this is unnecessary and it is something that could have been avoided if true friendship was given a chance.

So far, you will agree with me that sexual intimacy at acquaintance stage is a big NO my beautiful diva. Reason being that sex at the early stage of a relationship clouds the lady's sense of clear judgement and no wise lady would want to sacrifice her happiness at the altar of sex.

Friendship can only be sweet when the two persons involved treat each other with respect and affection.

It is only when true friendship has been diligently established that the persons involved can  take the relationship to the next level - love.

Ashley Rice has this to say about friends: ''Friends are hard to find and in a life you get only a few. And when you find them, you will always know them by sight  and heart alone , you  always grow a little bit taller in your soul, and you have been blessed just to know them''.

On that note, I end today's write up on Babe2Wife, but it is not over yet on this interesting topic. More will come on how to know if he is a true friend that you should consider giving your heart in love. 

Remember that it is better to remain a friend with him than fall in love and fall out too soon because he is not a true friend.

Thank you for reading this post but please, leave a comment and share with your friends and help them avoid the big mistake of falling for some guy that is not a true friend.

Stay blessed.

Yours truly.

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The MUST HAVE ingredient in a love relationship

The neglect of this attribute is majorly connected with LUST, sheer impatience or haste to be in a relationship which ends such fellows in a 'stressed love relationship'. Many have fallen victims of the harsh realities of a relationship built in a hurry - based on what the eyes can see, what the heart feels and deceit, leaving them with disappointment and heartbreak.

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